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In this tutorial, we learn how to say differences in Italian like "happy" & "sad". To say "happy", you would say "felice" and to say "sad" you would say "triste. To say "hot" you would say "caldo" and ...

Another Italian language video that teaches some of the other basic words in the language. The knowledge of shapes too is essential when conversing in any language. The words shown in the video ar ...

In this tutorial, we learn how to say the names of colors in Italian. The colors are easy to learn! White is biano, the snow is la neve. Pair these together to talk about the color of snow! Yellow is ...

In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn some words that are useful while at a park in Italian. A disclaimer before the video states that this video is designed to teach non Italian speakers som ...

In this video, we learn how to talk about things in a kitchen in Italian. Learning Italian around the kitchen can be easy, you just need to make sure you say the words our right. Sugar in Italian is " ...

In this video from ItalianLessons101 we learn how to say various positions in Italian. This is taught by showing someone doing these positions in, in front, and other ways around a box. Here are the ...

In this video, we learn how to say the days of the week in Italian. Italian is one of the most romantic languages out there. Although saying the days of the week isn't romantic, it can help you learn ...

Italian is a beautiful language, and Italians don't speak English as ready as those in Northern European countries. This video will teach you some useful Italian phrases for things like ordering food, ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn a number of useful Italian travel phrases. While Italian isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumble when ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to ask someone what their name is in Italian. While Italian isn't necessarily a very difficult language for an English-speaker to learn, many stumb ...